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Month: May 2010

Now on Smashwords!

I’m excited to announce that WE, THE WATCHED is now available through Smashwords, an indie eBook publisher. This means you can now download my novel about government surveillance and propaganda in multiple formats that will look great on your iPhone, iPad, Kindle, Nook or other popular reading device! Through Smashwords, the book is now listed on several popular iPhone apps, and will also soon be available on many popular eBook stores including Sony, Apple, and Barnes & Noble.

Smashwords strips most of the page formatting out of the book so it is more compatible with eReaders. However, if you want a PDF that looks more like a real book, please check out the book on Scribd. The full eBook costs $2.99, but you can read the first several chapters for free.

One more thing! If you like WE, THE WATCHED or my other writings, please become a fan of my new Facebook page. Thanks.

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The Roommate

The RoommateI was looking through some short stories I wrote in the past few years and came upon a little gem called THE ROOMMATE.

It’s a humorous mystery/horror tale of a college student who suspects his roommate of murder. I did some quick proofreading and added it to Scribd.

Check it out below and let me know what you think.

[scribd id=31079493 key=key-2nusyxwuurpelnv1tp3g mode=scroll]

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