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Month: December 2008

The New Faded Wave

Hey everyone. Welcome to the newly redesigned Faded Wave. The new look is all about accessibility, and as such, I’ve streamlined quite a bit. I hope you like the new look, and I appreciate any and all  feedback you might have. Just leave me a comment on this fancy new blog!

If I haven’t made it clear enough already, I’ve written a novel. It’s called We, The Watched, and you can download all 22 chapters of it for free at It’s been in the works for a long time, and I encourage you to register on the official Underground forum over there and leave me a review.

Work at Communications Daily has kept me quite busy lately, but I am finding time here and there to work on my next big fiction project. I’m not ready to give details on what that is yet, because it’s still in the early going. But I’m excited with what I have so far, and can’t wait to show it to you all.

Talk to you soon,


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