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Satire for Dystopian Times: My novel Utopia PR is out now!

It’s here! My dystopian satire Utopia PR is now available for your reading pleasure.

After writing three fairly dark novels, I decided to have a little bit of fun for my fourth book. Utopia PR is a sci-fi satire about a public relations rep seeking work-life balance while managing crisis after crisis for a dystopian American president.

Public-relations extraordinaire Blake Hamner (the n is silent) put off his honeymoon for his big break: joining a major political campaign for president. Now, the “Hammer” struggles to make time for his marriage as Crisis Communications Manager for Our Leader, who since taking power has become increasingly mad and totalitarian.

The Hammer starts to reconsider his career choices when one of Our Leader’s savage steel hounds attacks the Comms team at a press conference. When a revolutionary levels grave allegations against Our Leader—and implicates Blake for the cover-up—the PR rep who thought he could talk his way out of any crisis finds himself utterly trapped in a dystopian job.

Given the times we’re living in, I think we could all use a laugh. So, rather than dwell in the terrible, I wrote a lighthearted farce! Like my other books, it’s still very much about our present politics, but my goal with this one is to leave readers smiling. Some of my influences include Douglas Adams, Kurt Vonnegut, Joseph Heller, Terry Pratchett and Christopher Buckley.

I’ve already received some glowing early reviews. The Hammer himself blogged about some of his favorites on the official Utopia PR website. Just yesterday, I received a very nice review from IndieMuse. Here’s an excerpt:

Utopia PR is extremely well-written with humor, wit and imagination, and it’s a lighthearted, uplifting vision into the dark times we’re facing. What I took from this book was one important thing I felt Bender implied throughout: no matter how messed up things get in the world, never take it too seriously. There is always time to take a step back from it all, have a little fun and enjoy your time…and, most importantly: focus on what’s most important.”

Shane Staley, IndieMuse

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

You can get Utopia PR in paperback and eBook editions from the following stores and more:

Dystopian satire Utopia PR is out now!

If you like the book, please help me spread the word by leaving a customer review at your place of purchase, Goodreads, LibraryThing or your blog. I’m an indie author who does all his own marketing, and your assistance can make a huge impact.

Please also consider joining my newsletter The Underground for updates on my writing. Right now, you can get a free eBook of my first book, We, The Watched when you join.

Hope you enjoy! Thanks very much for all your support.


Utopia PR is coming 2/22/21! Preorder the dystopian satire now

Blake Hamner, the crisis comms hero of my upcoming novel Utopia PR, somehow beat me to the punch in revealing the book’s cover. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, given all his recent tweeting.

Here it is again, in case you missed it.

I’m positively ecstatic to inform you that Utopia PR will be available as a paperback and eBook on 2/22 in the new year.

The early buzz on my dystopian satire is good!

“A dystopian novel laced with intrigue, science fiction, romance and humor,” wrote Gail Kaufman in a review for Reedsy Discovery. “I recommend this book to fans of dystopia who would appreciate a comedic writing style and the underlying themes of marital challenges, finding your purpose, diversity and manipulation through social media.”

Who doesn’t like those underlying themes? Am I right? More reviews should be coming soon, which I am anxious (so very anxious) to read and share. In fact, if you’re a critic, blogger, or even a Goodreads user, please help yourself to a digital advance review copy (ARC) on NetGalley! I just ask that you please write a review, as I am an indie author who does all his own marketing!

If you’re not a reviewer but still want to get your hands on an early copy, I’m planning to make the eBook available to buy one week early on Smashwords to anyone who is subscribed to my newsletter The Underground by Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14). Please join!

You can also preorder the eBook today at the below online bookstores:

You’ll be able to order a paperback on release day. Or possibly sooner, if I can figure that out. Let me get back to you!

And don’t forget to add it to your shelf on Goodreads!

Thanks very much for all your support!

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