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Tag: buddies

Life Trade, a short story

What if a stranger took over the part of your best friend?

That’s the premise of my new short story, “Life Trade.”  It’s an idea I came up with a long time ago, but it was only recently that I figured out how to make it work as a story. Last week while off for the holidays, I finally got around to writing it. And now you can read it right here for free!

If you use a Kindle, iPad, Nook or other eReader, you can get the .mobi or .epub version for free at Smashwords.

It’s also available free from Barnes & Noble, Kobo, AppleGoodreads and ‘txtr.

You can also buy “Life Trade” directly from the Amazon Kindle store for 99 cents, if you so wish. The only reason I’m charging there is that Amazon does not allow self-published to give away their work for free. Don’t feel pressured to pay — I’d be happier if you enjoyed the story and left a review or shared it with your friends.

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